Browser Commands of Selenium WebDriver
Selenium Webdriver need to open and close browser. Below are the numbers of commands you can apply on the Selenium opened browser.
Get Command
Method Name: get(String url)
Syntax: driver.get(String url);
Purpose: open new web page in the current browser.
Get Title Command
Method Name: getTitle()
Syntax: driver.getTitle();
Purpose: get the title of the current page.
Get Current URL Command
Method Name: getCurrentUrl()
Syntax: driver.getCurrentUrl();
Purpose: get the URL of the page currently loaded in the browser.
Get Page Source Command
Method Name: getPageSource();
Syntax: driver.getPageSource();
Purpose: get the source of the last loaded page.
Refresh Command
Method Name: refresh()
Syntax: driver.navigate().refresh();
Purpose: refresh the current browser.
Close Command
Method Name: close();
Syntax: driver.close();
Purpose: close the current window of the browser, if it’s the last window it will close the browser.
Quit Command
Method Name: quit()
Syntax: driver.quit();
Purpose: quit the browser and all the opened windows in the browser.
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; public class BrowserCommands { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // Create a new instance of the Firefox driver WebDriver driver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); //Put a Implicit wait, this means that any search for elements on the page could take the time the implicit wait is set for before throwing exception driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //Launch the Google Website driver.get(""); // Storing Title name in String variable String sTitle = driver.getTitle(); // Storing Title length in Int variable int iTitleLength = driver.getTitle().length(); // Printing Title name on Console System.out.println(sTitle); // Printing Title length on console System.out.println(iTitleLength); // Storing URL in String variable sTitle = driver.getCurrentUrl(); // Storing URL length in Int variable iTitleLength = driver.getCurrentUrl().length(); // Printing URL on Console System.out.println(sTitle); // Printing URL length on console System.out.println(iTitleLength); // Refreshing current page driver.get(driver.getCurrentUrl()); // Storing Page Source in String variable String sPageSource = driver.getPageSource(); // Storing Page Source length in Int variable int iPageSourceLength = driver.getPageSource().length(); // Printing Page Source on console System.out.println(sPageSource); // Printing Page SOurce length on console System.out.println(iPageSourceLength); //Closing browser driver.close(); } }
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