IntelliJ IDEA: is a Java integrated development environment (IDE) for developing computer software. It is developed by JetBrains (formerly known as IntelliJ), and is available as an Apache 2 Licensed community edition and in a proprietary commercial edition. Both can be used for commercial development.
Prerequisite Software:
1. Jdk download and install
2. IntelliJ IDEA download and install
3. Gradle distribution download and extract desired location
1. File --> New --> Project
a. Select 'Maven' from left sidebar, Set jdk path and Click 'Next' button
b. Enter GroupId and ArtifactId, then Click 'Next' button
c. Type Project name and set desired Project location which want to save project, finally Click 'Finish' button
a. Click View --> Tools Windows --> Maven
b. Click on '
c. Add desired dependency under <dependencies> </dependencies> (2)
added upper dependencies for REST Assured
Note: Two and site where you will desired maven dependency
d. Click refresh button (3) to import jar files and Synchronizing Changes in Maven Project
Prerequisite Software:
1. Jdk download and install
2. IntelliJ IDEA download and install
3. Gradle distribution download and extract desired location
Create a Maven Java project in IntelliJ IDEA:
a. Select 'Maven' from left sidebar, Set jdk path and Click 'Next' button
b. Enter GroupId and ArtifactId, then Click 'Next' button
c. Type Project name and set desired Project location which want to save project, finally Click 'Finish' button
d. Choose an option to open project
e. Maven project created and download necessary things
3. Add gradle dependenciesa. Click View --> Tools Windows --> Maven
b. Click on '
' file from left sidebar (1) c. Add desired dependency under <dependencies> </dependencies> (2)
added upper dependencies for REST Assured
Note: Two and site where you will desired maven dependency
d. Click refresh button (3) to import jar files and Synchronizing Changes in Maven Project
4. Add java package or class
a. add main project code : src --> main --> java
b. add code testing main project : src --> test --> java