How to install jasmine standalone and run first program

Install jasmine
1. Download jasmin standalone v2.0.0  from  ''
2. put '' downloaded file your desire location
3. extract

Run Program
4. Navigate to '/jasmine-standalone-2.0.0/src'  directory
5. Create 'HelloWorld.js' and open file with notepad++
6. Write following code and save
   function helloWorld() {
    return "Hello world!";
7. Navigate to  '/jasmine-standalone-2.0.0/spec' directory
8. Create 'HelloWorldSpec.js' file and open file with notepad++
9. Write following code and save
describe("Hello world", function() {
    it("says hello", function() {
        expect(helloWorld()).toEqual("Hello world!");
10. Navigate to /jasmine-standalone-2.0.0
11. Open 'SpecRunner.html' with NotePad++
12. Add two tag under header then save
     <script type="text/javascript" src="src/HelloWorld.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="spec/HelloWorldSpec.js"></script>

13. Open 'SpecRunner.html' file with any browser
14. Out put will show in browser
         1 spec, 0 failures
            Hello world
            says hello