Step 1: System Requirements
Software requirement
a) Ubuntu Client 12.10 64 bit
b) JDK 7
c) Apache-Tomcat -6.0.36
d) MySQL Server -5.5
Step 2: Software installation and configuration
2.1 Operating system dependency update
update all essential Ubuntu services.
Open the terminal or Press Ctrl + Alt + T , write the command on terminal
sudo apt-get update
2.2 JDK installation and configuration
2.2.1 JDK installation
Open the terminal or Press Ctrl + Alt + T , write following command on terminal
a) Navigate to desktop
cd ~/
b) To download jdk for 64 bit
wget -c --no-cookies --header "Cookie:" "" -O
c) To execute
chmod +x
d) To install jdk
sudo sh
2.2.2 JDK configuration
Java Home variable setup
After jdk install completed then setup JAVA_HOME variable
Open the terminal or Press Ctrl + Alt + T , write following command on terminal
a) Open '.bashrc' file
nano ~/.bashrc
b) Edit file
press left,right,up,down arrow to go the place where you want to edit
c) Add the following lines at the end of the file named
Example: Write those lines in this file
export JAVA_HOME=/home/abcd/jdk1.7.0_07
export JRE_HOME=/home/abcd/jdk1.7.0_07/jre
d) Save file
Control +o
press Enter
e) exit from file
Note: If you do not want to save anything in press control+x
2.3 MySQL Installation and Configuration
Open the terminal or Press Ctrl + Alt + T, write following command on terminal
a) To install mysql server
sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.5
b) Write down PC’s root user password
c) Write down mysql root user password
2.4 Tomcat installation and configuration
2.4.1 Tomcat installation
Open the terminal or Press Ctrl + Alt + T, write following command on terminal
a) Navigate to desktop
cd ~/
b) To download apache-tomcat-6.0.36
c) To untar apache-tomcat-6.0.36
tar zxvf apache-tomcat-6.0.36.tar.gz
2.4.2 Tomcat configuration
Open the terminal or Press Ctrl + Alt + T, write following command on terminal
To give the permission
chmod -R a+x apache-tomcat-6.0.36
Tomcat user configuration
a) open tomcate-users.xml file
nano ~/apache-tomcat-6.0.36/conf/tomcat-users.xml
b) edit file
press left,right,up,down arrow to go the place where you want to edit
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="manager-script"/>
<user username="tomcat_username" password="tomcat_password" roles="manager-gui,manager-script"/>
e) Save file
then press Enter
f) exit from file
Note: If you do not want to save anything in press control+x
Change uploads war file size (if required):
Default file upload is 50MB.
Open the terminal or Press Ctrl + Alt + T, write following command on terminal
a) open web.xml file
nano ~/apache-tomcat-6.0.36/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml
b) edit file
press left,right,up,down arrow to go the place where you want to edit
<!-- 150MB max -->
e) Save file
press Control+o
then press Enter
f) exit from file
press Control+x
Note: If you do not want to save anything in press control+x
Step 4: Database
1. musicmanagementdb.sql
2. Mysql server installed
4.1 Create a new Database
Open the terminal or Press Ctrl + Alt + T, write following command on terminal
a) login mysql server
mysql -u[username] -p[password];
(Exapme mysql –uroot -pabcd)
b) Create musicmanagementdb database
create database musicmanagementdb;
c) To check database created database list
show databases;
you will see musicmanagementdb in databases
d) Logout mysql server
4.2 Restore the database
Open the terminal or Press Ctrl + Alt + T, write following command on terminal
a) Restore freebeepay Database
mysql -u[uname] -p[pass] musicmanagementdb < [backupfile.sql]
(Example mysql -uroot -pfreebee musicmanagementdb < musicmanagementdb.sql )
Note: To ensure database backup must be exist current location
Step 5: How to start tomcat server
Start or stop tomcat server.
Open the terminal or Press Ctrl + Alt + T, write following command on terminal
a) Start tomcat server
b) Stop tomcat server
c) Check tomcat server stop or not
tail -100 ~/apache-tomcat-6.0.36/logs/catalina.out